Embryo CD - Human Embryology and Teratology | |
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August 25, 2015: Version 3.2 runs on Windows 10 (64 Bit). However, animations only by an external media player. August 16, 2015: Picture 14-8 changed; Atlas stage 11 is working again; animations: the last image will be shown for 5 seconds; download and install this version: Download June 14, 2015: Version 3.2 runs on Windows 8.1 (64 Bit). Download List of modifications
Question Do you have a specific question about Human Embryology and Teratology? Maybe our experts Prof. Dr. G. Rager and U. Rager can help you. They will tell you, how much will cost the answer. |
Embryo CD | Contact | PFS | Rte de Champriond 3 | CH-1700 Fribourg | Switzerland |